Digital Academy: Be prepared!

Please check that you have the following set up and ready in good time before the training session. Please note that it is not permitted to record the online seminars.


  • You need a computer running Windows 10 or Windows 11. GPU required API is Vulkan 1.3.
  • We suggest that you use one PC with two screens. You can then follow the seminars on one screen and have WATCHOUT open on the other screen. 
  • Check that you have a reliable internet connection.
  • Check that your computer audio and microphone are in working order so you can take part in discussions during the online seminar.
  • A mouse can be handy for the hands-on exercises during home assignments.


  • Make sure you have the latest version of WATCHOUT installed and working on your computer. The latest version is available here. 
  • For the seminars, you will need the relevant video conferencing platform installed and ready to run (Zoom).
  • Please download the course material from the Digital Academy Downloads DropBox folder (the link is emailed to you before the first seminar)

See you soon! 

Questions: academy[at] 

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