World Cities Expo 2017
In May 2017 Istanbul was host to the World Cities Expo 2017, organized by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IBB) and bringing together leading institutions, organizations and experts from around the world on the theme "Smart Cities". Held at the Istanbul Halic Congress Center, this four-day event kicked off with a spectacular opening show created by Project Istanbul.
As specialists in video mapping, Project Istanbul chose to reflect the innovative nature of the event with an ingenious design for the 35 m wide by 7 meters high set. The key element is a circle – repeated, layered and suspended.
"When we started working, we realized that we'd made a difficult choice," said Birol Erdogan. "We studied examples from all over the world, but there was no cyclical scene to try." With only a short period of time to create the content and perfect the delivery, Project Istanbul chose Dataton WATCHOUT for the stage mapping with ten Barco 20K projectors. WATCHOUT also handles timecode to light and sound tables.
The result is a visual feast. Enjoy!