The upgrade from WATCHOUT version 5 to 6 is an electronic upgrade. You must, however, have the physical license keys or media servers (WATCHMAX, WATCHPAX series) available to complete the process. Upgrades may be purchased from your local Dataton partner. If there is no partner in your region, please contact Dataton directly. Before you upgrade take a look at our Guide to Updating Systems.



Upgrade your WATCHOUT license keys and media server units before installing version 6 production software. If you are electronically upgrading your media server (WATCHPAX, WATCHMAX) license, you will need to use version 5.5.1 or 5.5.2 on production computer to perform the WATCHPAX/WATCHMAX license update.


The electronic upgrade described below can only be performed on version 5 keys.

1. To upgrade your license key(s), first make sure they all appear in the License Manager in WATCHOUT.

Connect the keys to your production computer or any online display computer. In WATCHOUT, select the Window menu, License Manager, and “Scan License Keys” to add them to the list.

2. Check that you can see all your license keys in the list, then select “Copy All as Text” from the Edit menu to copy the license key information codes to the clipboard.

3. Send the extracted codes to Dataton via your local Dataton partner or directly to [email protected]

Once your order has been processed you will receive an email with your upgrade information.

4. Select all text in the email containing your upgrade information and paste it into the “License Manager” window in WATCHOUT. The new license information will appear in the “Pending” column.

5. Connect the license keys to the computer and click “Scan License Keys” to transfer the pending information into the license keys. When successfully stored in the license key, the information transfers from the “Pending” column to the “Version” column.


Upgraded license keys can be used with both version 5 and 6 of WATCHOUT.

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